This is an unbiased report from “The Home Owners Manual” that is distributed nation wide by the National Realty Marketing (NRM) to realtors. The manual is to be handed out free to home buyers and sellers.
The possibility of the occurrence of foundation failure is something that everyone buying, selling or occupying a home should consider. Foundation problems are commonplace, largely because the soil conditions upon which residential and commercial buildings are constructed tend to be very unstable in our areas.
Our foundations are only as strong as the soil properties they are placed on. These soils are made up of thousands of years of sediments, mainly silts, clays and some granular soils.
The following check list of symptoms should help you identify serious foundation movement:
If you feel you may have a foundation problem or know someone that does, or if you are planning to build a home and would like to secure yourself against these types of failures, call a professional for a consultation, survey and estimate.