US Army Corps of Engineers
Sacramento CA
Replacement of Pumping Plant 4 with outlet pipes to be relocated through the levee at an elevation above the 200 year water surface elevation.
Federal approval of levee upgrades last year will let construction proceed in Sacramento?s 8,000-acre share of the Natoma basin.
Sacramento’s Natomas Basin is one of the most at-risk areas in the nation for catastrophic flooding. Improvements to Natomas levees were originally authorized as part of the Corps’ American River Common Features project in 1996, intended to improve the system of levees throughout the greater Sacramento area.
The work includes but is not limited to the removal of the existing Pumping Plant 4 building and trash rack and reconfiguring the pump station intake and installing a new trash rack.
The project also includes replacement of Pumping Plant 4 with outlet pipes to be relocated through the levee at an elevation above the 200 year water surface elevation.
The work also includes removal of pipes crossing through the levee at the abandoned Bennett and Northern Pumping Stations in addition to removing the concrete structures on both the waterside and landside.